Atlantis Dune Tour


Located 30-45 minutes outside of Cape Town’s city centre, Atlantis Dunes has become a popular hotspot for all sorts of adventure sports. Lets move away from the buzzing city life to the land of sand dunes, 4x4 experiences and sandboarding. Being the adventurous bunch they are, our Product team recently ventured out to Atlantis Dunes and had quite the adrenaline-pumping experience with Jeep Tours! Here’s what they had to say.

We started our escapade bundu bashing and zigzagging over sand dunes in an open-top Jeep Wrangler. With our hearts pounding as we crested and descended dunes that felt as though they were straight drops, there was not one moment that wasn’t exhilarating!

Little did we know, the fun wasn’t about to stop there. All the bundu bashing helped our guide find the perfect dune for us to sandboard from! Our guide was extremely patience and professional in teaching us how to sandboard, despite how loud and rowdy we were! Once we eventually got the hang of going down the dune (almost in full control), it was really hard to climb off the board and call an end to the day. The thrill of flying down the dunes had us running back up the sand for more like kids!
A relative level of fitness is required for going up and down the sand dunes.

For more information about this tour click here.